Village Ghouffi In Batna_Algeria

 The village Ghouffi  belongs to the commune of T'kout in the wilaya of Batna
The "Ghoufi Balconies" are a unique beauty to the world. Several actors and personalities came to visit this place.

A long canyon named the abiod valley (Ighzir Amellal) crosses the whole county to Tifelfel M'Chouneche. Gorge Tighanimine are dotted all along the abiod valley.

The village of Ghouffi  is located on a hill,Several palm trees are in the vicinity of the abiod valley.

At a height of between 500 meters and 1200 meters depending on the location,Gorges  of Ghouffi are like the Rocky Mountains and the Grand Canyon, composed of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks; and a type of vegetation Oasisn.

Ghouffi Balconies In Batna